Friday, 30 December 2011

The Troubles with Our Democracy

To the Editor ( September 10, 2010 )

The Troubles with Our Democracy

As I understand it we have three big problems

  1. Voter turn out is just the first most obvious trouble. People are apathetic about elections. They don’t think their vote really matters so they do not go vote. This attitude is founded on some very solid ground. Years of experience have shown that once elected politicians – in specific the leader of the ruling party – do what they want, failing to live up to promises, etc. They frequently seem to make the worst possible choices.

  2. The undemocratic system of running a government. Once the election is done, seats are filled the democratic parts are over. The party leader usually dictates policy and how his members will vote on any bill that aims to become law. The party candidate for your district is not really your representative: he represents his party.

  3. Thus we have the third problem established: Public involvement in politics after Election Day. Many people just go back to life as normal following political events as spectators, complaining but doing nothing. What can they do? Their local rep may be sympathetic to their concerns, if they bother to make them known. But he is constrained and must tow the party line.

So the more you know about how it all works the more reasonable apathy at election time looks.

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