Friday 30 December 2011

Things change but they don't

To the Editor ( December 22, 2011 ) - not printed -

Last deep thoughts of the year.

The other day I read the following; “So long as Rome was fighting for political pre-eminence in the ancient world, the division of classes within the state remained in the background or at lest did not cause bloodshed. However, as soon as she became mistress of the world, the power of the aristocracy was assailed by the citizens in general. Their war-cry was a better and more just distribution of property and a more democratic form of government.” These words were written by professor Rostovtzeff in his book on Roman history, published back in 1927.

Avoiding the direct comparisons of the USA to Rome, I still find the situation ironic. We have progressed so far from the days of the Empire, everyone likes to think. Yet here we are as a civilization, seeing that same war-cry again “Just distribution of wealth and more democracy.”

Progress has given us smart phones but it has not solved poverty or injustice.

Think about it.

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