Friday 30 December 2011

Discouraged but not giving up

To the Editor ( October 12, 2010 )

I was very interested to read “Can you come home again” an article you ran October 9th about expatriate NBers returning to the province. It is exactly my situation. After living in Montreal for many years, working at some low end jobs, then going to university to get a degree, I decided it was time to move back East. I wanted to provide a sort of quality environment for my young children that I just could not find in the big city.

The particular problem Iv found in searching for work in Moncton since this summer is the kind of jobs that are available. A friend said; any work is better than no work. But I just have to disagree. I have worked in restaurants and in retail, Iv been a box monkey in warehouses and a lawn gnome in landscaping. About the only thin I have not done is telemarketing. These are all ok jobs if you are in your teens or enjoying life at 20somthing. Now that I have a family and a degree, to pay for, I require something more.

But what do I find here? I could have had a job in a weak, if I was willing to be a phone jockey. Sure there are lots of jobs out there; lots of jobs with high turn over rates because no one really wants to do them.

All that aside, I have a question for Mr Mazerolle. In the tag line of the article he said “City of Moncton offers help.” No place in the article did I see anything about specific help offered by our fair city. If the mayor wants me to come work for him, Im happy to consider his offer.

Discouraged but not giving up hope

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